Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hee Hee Hee

Told you I'd post this, Kevin!!

For everyone else, we played Wii on Christmas Day at Kevin and Connie's house. We had a lot of fun. We especially LOVED the hula hoop contest where Grumpy came from behind and beat us all. Too bad the video wasn't running!!

My Buddy Brad

Emma just loves her buddy Brad! He is such a great sport and plays with her. Don't you just love his "hair do"?? We enjoyed a visit from Brad, and the same weekend we had Grammie, Grumpy, Robert and Jennifer! I think our new Wii got a great workout! It was really fun to see everyone the weekend before Christmas.

Let's Open Presents!

On Christmas morning, Emma was so excited, she declared the games open! It was really cute. Emma had a really fun Christmas this year, and McGinnis was just happy to be in the middle of the commotion. Thank you everyone!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Emma's Christmas Concert

Emma's class at school had a Christmas Concert today. Emma was thrilled to be on stage. For a while, we thought she was waving to us, but she was really waving at Mrs. Lee (her teacher from last year) who was sitting in front of us. Mrs. Lee is crazy, and Emma just adores her. This video is actually both 3 year old classes singing "Away in a Manger".

Happy Little Guy

McGinnis is just the happiest little guy. He's really laid back and as long as he's in the middle of the action, he's happy. He loves his big sister, and she is really great with entertaining him. We are very blessed to have two beautiful children.

Ho Ho Ho

Okay, so she looks more like an elf, but Emma was enjoying playing Santa while she was in the bathtub!

Strep Throat!!

Poor Emma! She woke up in the middle of the night on Friday night crying because her throat hurt so much. Sure enough, I touched her forehead and she was burning up. Luckily, now the Air Force Academy Hospital now has an Acute Care Clinic, so we got an appointment for Saturday. Her rapid strep test must have popped up positive quickly, because 3 people made sure the doctor know Emma had strep. After a few doses of antibiotics and Motrin, she was feeling MUCH better!

Monday, December 1, 2008


McGinnis is doing so well holding his head up and playing with toys, that we decided to see how long he would last in the old Exersaucer. He loves it! He has learned how to push the big buttons to make music play, and tonight he managed to twist himself around (by accident, I am sure!). Emma loves to sit with him and play with him. So, for your entertainment, here are Emma and McGinnis!

Emma's New and Improved Snowman

Need I say more?? Brrrrrr!

Put that Kid to work!

We got lots of snow this weekend! Our estimate is 4-6 inches. It seems like it snowed all day Sunday. Greg and Emma shoveled and shoveled. Emma can't stand to not be out there if Daddy is out there! It's funny though, we used to think the tiniest bit of snow was cause to stay home all day. Colorado Springs has shown us that a little snow is not going to stop anything! Church on Sunday was not even delayed. We had a bit of a shorter service Sunday night, but the roads were getting a little icy.

Happy Thanksgiving and Wii

So, our friends, (who are grandparents I might add) bought a Wii. So, on Thanksgiving Day, after we all stuffed ourselves full of yummy turkey, dressing, various veggie sides, and pie, we all played Wii. We had never played one before and we had an awesome time. BTW, Happy Thanksgiving to all you turkeys we know!

Ahhhh, Sleeping Babies

Well, I guess Emma and McGinnis are all tuckered out. Sweet Dreams, little ones!