We had a great time tonight. We trick or treated at a few neighbors' houses, and then went to church for a Trunk or Treat. Emma and McGinnis were cowpokes.
9 years ago
A Photo Journal of our Busy Lives
When we go to Estes Park, we always like to try to cross over the mountains on Trail Ridge Road to get to the other side and the town of Grand Lake. We didn't see any moose this time, but we still had fun. Grand Lake is more of a village than anything, and in the winter, they have lots of snow mobiling. They have a truly "Grand" Lake and have lots of those beautiful polished wooden boats, too. If you ever get the chance to visit, it's a beautiful place! We ate lunch there and spent the afternoon strolling the street and playing at the playground. Robert and Jennifer were with us there too.
I can slide!!