What this means, I am not sure. It's Emma's latest adventure in the world of make-believe. Yesterday and today, she has wanted to dress up with the straw hat, beads, basket purse, and dress up heels. She calls this playing "Grandma". We don't even call her grandmothers "Grandma". She has Grammie and Sunny. After she is all dolled up, she proceeds to invent a situation where "Grandma" needs to come to the rescue. How funny.
10 years ago
I am VERY glad to see some updated pictures of that cutie patootie! Do you have a name for baby boy Black yet?
That is just too adorable!! I love you guys and hope you are having a wonderful summer and that the baby is doing well =) Keep me updated! I check my school email all the time so I'll try to keep in touch more!
(cousin) Abby
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