Here are a few more pictures from Iraq. It really sounds like Greg is doing well over there. He will travel to another base once a month to perform quality checks, so he will either ride in a helicpoter or in a convoy. He went last week in a chinook and came back in one also. Thanks for all the prayers, well wishes, and mail that Greg is getting.

Greg's vehicle - Land Cruiser

Greg had to add his own personal touch!

Note the black flag and the reading on the chart. It was over 127 degrees!

The transport that took Greg to the other base he visited - a chinook helicopter.

This is looking out the back of the Chinook, looking at the buddy Chinook flying with them.

Inside....Note the female gunner....

Greg on the Chinook

View out the back

Sunset in Iraq

Greg's room

A bit of countryside

Iraqi Hummers

Greg in front of an Iraqi Helicopter

Greg in the cockpit of the Iraqi helicopter

Up close - Iraqi Helicopter

Gray Fox -- local wildlife

Red Fox
1 comment:
I loved looking at your blog. Can't wait to show Nathan all the pics of Greg. I must admit, I teared up at the pics of Greg in Iraq. Wow! The wedding Emma was in was beautiful. How neat to get married on a mountain. Your children are beautiful. We are praying for Greg's safety and your resolve.
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